CFA: 2020-2021 PhD Fellowships at CEFRES for PhD Students from French Universities & Universities from Visegrad Countries
Deadline for submission: 31 March 2020 (5 pm)
Final notification due: 31 May 2020
Duration: September 1st 2020 – August 31st 2021
CEFRES offers year-long fellowships at CEFRES to 2nd year and above PhD students enrolled in a University in France and Visegrad countries (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic). Fellows’ research should contribute to one of CEFRES’s 3 research areas. Good command of English is mandatory, command of French is appreciated. The selected PhD fellows will join CEFRES team and take part in the center’s scientific life.
Application packages can be sent in French or in English. There is no condition of nationality.
For questions on the application procedure, contact Mrs Claire Madl.
More information: HERE